· Online Course ·

Individualized Education Plan: Your Guide to Before, During, and After

A comprehensive guide for parents as they prepare for their child’s IEP meeting.


How you can be an active and knowledgeable participant in the IEP process.


When a child requires extra learning support, the process can be overwhelming, particularly after the difficulties of the last 18 months of hybrid or remote learning. This course is designed to provide valuable information to parents of special education students in regards to the IEP, including legislation, educational rights, accommodations, adaptations, and more.

It is my goal to help parents navigate the complex terminology and create strategies that will enable their child to receive the best possible services so they can thrive in school and at home.

These sessions are taught from learned experiences. From a classroom instructor and school administrator to university professor and now special education consultant, I have over 35 years of educational experience and am committed to the belief that all students must and can be educated.

I am dedicated to advocating for students to get the quality education they need to prepare for a productive and contributing adult life. 


In this course, I will help you:

  • Learn terms that might be used during in your child’s IEP meeting.
  • Set effective academic success objectives for your child.
  • Maintain a clear vision and commitment to your child’s academic achievement and ongoing support.
  • Develop collaborative relationships with educators and support staff to organize all efforts around your child’s progress.


About the Course

Each session is approximately 35 minutes in length and covers the following topics:


Session 1

My Child Was Just Diagnosed, Now What? How Did We Get Here?

After this session, participants will be able to:

  • Explain how a school identifies and evaluates children who need special education and related services.

  • State who can make a referral or request an evaluation.

  • Describe the purposes of the evaluation and identification process.

  • Review how the evaluation and identification helps contribute to the understanding of the unique needs of each child.


Session 2

Your opinion matters: How to be an active and contributing member of the IEP team.

After this session, participants will be able to:

  • Remember the core statue of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

  • Explain the importance of active and contributive parental participation.

  • Identify and develop ideas for collaborative IEP meetings.

  • Generalize the responsibilities and rights of a parent.

  • Explain the meaning and purpose of commonly-used acronyms and key terms.  


Session 3

I am attending an IEP meeting. what I should expect?

After this session, participants will be able to:

  • Describe who will and can attend the IEP meeting.

  • Outline the type of information that is included in an Individualized Education Program (IEP).

  • Support confidentiality of student records.

  • Explain the meaning and purpose of commonly-used acronyms and key terms.  


Session 4

It’s CRITICAL DECISION TIME. Does the IEP describe my child’s needs?

After this session, participants will be able to:

  • Identify and address the program, placement, services, and/or supports the child will receive.

  • Ensure that the program, placement, services, and/or supports the child is receiving are appropriate.


Session 5

Participation in the General Curriculum or “Options for Placement.”

After this session, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the various “options for placement.”

  • List the steps to follow if they disagree with placement decision.


Session 6

Without Breath: Working Toward Improvement Not Perfection.

After this session, participants will be able to:

  • Compare data on behavior and academics for possible revision of the program, services, and/or plan.

  • Determine if their child is receiving “equal access” to education, school programs, and school-sponsored activities.


Session 7

Strategies, Questions, Accommodations, Modifications.

After this session, participants will be able to:

  • Suggest various accommodations and modifications to assist improvement or involvement.

  • Ask clarifying and/or informative questions.


About Dr. Lane

Dr. William Lane is a special education consultant, international speaker, and best-selling author who supports parents and educators to more meaningfully participate, be better advocates, and prepare inclusive classrooms, so that effective learning can occur for all students.


This is the place to begin.

These comprehensive sessions are a valuable resource to assist you navigate the Individualized Education Program (IEP) and equips you with the tools you need to be an active and knowledgeable participate of the IEP progress. Enroll in the online course today to better advocate for your child and keep your child's educational growth in focus.